Friday, January 4, 2008


i'm back tracking a little bit here. christmas was fun, we had a christmas eve with both kadens and my family. we also split up christmas day with each family to see them both for the holidays. jaxon had fun opening presents and breaking ornaments on the tree!!


pinksuedeshoe said...

I am so glad that you have a blog! This is awesome! The more cousins I can find the better! I am excited to keep up on what you guys are doing, your boy sure is cute.

Annie said...

Jaxon is getting so big. I think the last time I saw you guys he was probably only a couple of months old. You will find that a lot of the cousins have blogs. It has been so nice to see how everyone is doing. Keep us all posted.

Lacey said...

yay i am glad you have a blog. it is just nice to keep in touch with everyone. jaxon is adorable, that holidays are rough on those babies!

Jordan said...

I am so glad you guys finally got a blog. Jaxon is getting so big. I can't believe it.

Anonymous said..., need I mention that I'm glad you have joined blog-land? (Because, ya know, no one else mentioned it... ahem, or something)

Glad to be able to stalk you now! :o)


Megan said...

How fun to see you have a blog...I didn't realize so many more of my cousins have blogs! Yay! Mine is I knew Sara had one & have been visiting hers for awhile now! Fun! Your little Jaxon is SO cute! How fun that you are in your own place. I'd love to meet this little guys when we come out in the summer & to see your parents new place too. Love ya!
let me know your blog address!

pinksuedeshoe said...

PS- I added three more cousins today to my list. If you click on their names, you can check out their blogs!